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Mind-Body Relaxation… is a term emphasizing the connection between the “Body”—and its influence on the “Mind”.  In simple terms… what the Body experiences—the Mind becomes!

Clinical studies have shown that as the body becomes relaxed… so goes the mind—in perfect harmony!  The long-term effects of Mind-Body Relaxation are clear… studies published in the American Journal of Cardiology, British Medical and American Heart Association Journals note reductions in heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks and hardening of the arteries. Countless other independent studies show that Mind-Body Relaxation reduces depression, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic pain and symptoms of fibromyalgia.  Other studies indicate that Mind-Body Relaxation can be effective in the treatment and prevention of substance abuse and addiction.  Which massage you choose... is of lesser importance than just making massage a part of your health routine—it can lead to a healthier body and increased vitality!  

As children … we ran, jumped, exercised and pushed our endurance to its limits... our bodies were fleshy, flexible and supple—in perfect harmony.  As adults we ceased most strenuous activities… muscles go unused… retain toxins, become less fleshy, flexible and supple… causing discomfort and pain—no longer in harmony.  If you think of your body as the vehicle which must propel you throughout each day—its maintenance is important!

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